Year of Selmer Bass clarinet Author: ★2017 Date: 2008-05-29 02:47 I've just come across a Selmer Low C bass clarinet serial number X6720. I believe it is model 35 but they don't put the model number on their basses. I suspect it is from the 70s but they didn’t have a listing on the Selmer web page. I play one that I believe is model 31 or 33 number U648.
I have a low C Selmer Paris bass clarinet that I purchased used in college. It's a great horn, but I have no idea what year or model it.
I once asked the Selmer reps at a Selmer display what model mine was but they had no idea. There doesn't seem to be a correlation between the serial numbers. Does anyone know the answer to when it was made and if it is a model 35?
Thanks, ESP, www.peabody.jhu.edu/457 Re: Year of Selmer Bass clarinet Author: Date: 2008-05-29 03:09 I searched 'Selmer Clarinet Serial Numbers' on Google, and got a few different lists. U series seems to be from the mid sixties; X is from about 72-73. Re: Year of Selmer Bass clarinet Author: Date: 2008-05-29 03:30 FYI, there is a Selmer serial number list on this site: Best regards, jnk Re: Year of Selmer Bass clarinet Author: Date: 2008-05-29 03:49 I think (but not sure) they started making the the 35 (and 37) model in the 90s, around 1995. Alyac antivirus english. If I remember right the models before that were the 31 low Eb and 33 low C (or was the 33 low Eb too?). I think the Series 9 was before that, but I'm not sure, and I'm also not sure when they started making each model (though I think it would say Series 9 if that was it).
I'm guessing it is a 33. I think usually a Selmer reps at a display won't know much. For these types of things you need to find the right person to ask. I remember someone wanted to know about an old model from Buffet that looked completely different than any normal bass clarinet, but none of the people on the Yahoo bass clarinet group knew.
It was only a French bass clarinetist consultant for Buffet who knew it. Maybe you can find someone simialr for Selmer. Re: Year of Selmer Bass clarinet Author: ★2017 Date: 2008-05-29 12:22 Thanks, that confirms my beliefs. It's a great model.
El Camino Real (The Royal Road or The King's Highway) was commissioned by the 581st Air Force Band and its commander, Lt. This fantasy is based on a series of Spanish folk melodies and underscored by chord progressions used by generations of flamenco guitarists, whose fiery style and brilliant playing have created a vast body of what many consider authentic Spanish music.
The music follows a traditional fast-slow-fast pattern, with a first section that is based on the dance form known as the jota, and second contrasting section derived from the fandango.
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