Vygotsky, who thereby laid the foundations for the development of child. Activity to the stage of images and then to the verbal-discursive stages (to use current. 'world of people' - it is in their play that children 'model' the purposes and motives. Sversthikami u detey rannego i doshkol'nogo vozrasta, in press.
• Abstract No matter how sweet a human baby may be, it does not create the initial impression of being an ideal subject for studies concerning the major questions of the humanistic sciences. Babies are not easily instructed as to appropriate cooperation in the laboratory, they are unable to fill out questionnaires or open their minds to sophisticated interviewers, and they seem to enjoy surprising even the most passionate experimenters with unexpected developmental outcomes. Rather typically, they urinate at the least convenient moments of experimental investigations, or cause investigations to be terminated when they become (or pretend to have become) hungry. When the experimenter learns from parents about effective strategies for soothing crying babies such as driving them around the block in the car, or putting them on a running and pleasantly vibrating washing machine, he quickly realizes how onesided our usual attempts are to study the effects of social stimulation on infant development. Simply put, babies are neither miniatures of adults, nor as helpless as they may seem to be.
Yet they are unique in their own ways while passing through this particular period of life, and although they may seem to be inadequate as research subjects, they do nevertheless raise some major questions: Are their behaviours inherited or learned? Musiq soulchild new song. Do they have minds? Do they understand us? How do they acquire language?

Are they cultural beings?
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