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Rome: Total War Heaven. The Descr_Strat Reference. By Hussarknight. The descr_strat.txt file is one of the most commonly modded files in RTW. It can be found in the data world maps campaign imperial_campaign folder. It contains the necessary information for almost anything concerning the campaign.
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I did some meddling around in the descr_strat.txt file just for S&G's before starting a Julii campaign to give me a sense of true Roman dominance, in doing this, I modified the starting armies, denarii, and general stats. However, upon attempting to start up this awesome campaign, when I clicked start campaign, it booted me back to the single-player menu.
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Any idea why it did this and how to fix it? Also is it possible to mess with that file to have an upper-hand advantage at the beginning just to fool around with? Specifically what I was wanting to do was take the starting army: unit roman hastati exp 9 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1 unit roman hastati exp 9 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1 unit roman triarii exp 9 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1 unit roman archer exp 9 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1 unit roman hastati exp 9 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1 unit roman hastati exp 9 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1 unit roman triarii exp 9 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1 unit roman archer exp 9 armour 1 weapon_lvl 1 I increased the base stats of: Exp 1 armour 0 weapon 0 to their current levels I'd also tried to modify my faction leaders stats, and lower his age to 16.
I later reverted this act and set it at a reasonable 34. I think I found the error I'd had my General's bodyguard unit set to: roman generals guard cavalry late A unit I do not believe exists. Careful when messing around with your faction leader's age. If you set his age too young and it conflicts with his children (how can derpius be 25 if his father herpius is 21?) then it won't let you start the campaign. So if you want to shave a few years off your faction leader make sure you also shave off a few years of all his decendants, but you'll be limited by the youngest one (since a character can't be -2 years old), unless you delete them.
It should give you a very specific error message when the descr_strat file is messed up which details where and why (it gives you line and column numbers of the error). To view the message as soon as you attempt to start the campaign and it kicks you back to the previous screen press esc to quit back to the desktop and there should be an error message.
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