Awkward, incongruous, inconvenient, unbecoming. Clinging like a gum to our shoes sole. Unfortunate photos, posts, comments, calls, messages. A damned irritating who doesn't leave us alone.
Created Date: 4/16/2015 3:03:09 PM. Polozhenie o logopunkte v kazahstane. Cracked steam by random alex download.
I don't understand why I should endure this, such insolence. It must be karma, other lives' retribution. My Christmas wish is to get rid of it next year. Not only in 2013, but for the rest of our days. Please, Saint Nicholas!
In addiction, give people love, in order to prevent them to mess someone else's happiness. While enamored/enamour, the tendency is not to bother others. Many interesting people died in 2012: (in chronological ordem), U.S. Singer (January 25, 1938 – January 20, 2012);, Polish poet (2 July 1923 – 1 February 2012);, U.S. Actor and director (August 28, 1930 – February 3, 2012);, Brazilian singer-songwriter (October 2, 1945 – February 8, 2012);, U.S. Artist (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012);, Brazilian comedian (12 April 1931 – 23 March 2012);, Brazilian cartoonist, humorist and playwright (August 16, 1923 – March 27, 2012); The Lord of Loud,, British businessman (29 July, 1923 – 5 April, 2012); The sambaman, Brazilian artist (February 14, 1946 – April 25, 2012);, Brazilian artist, singer-songwriter (November 19, 1920 – May 4, 2012); The, U.S.
Artist (August 5, 1964 – May 4, 2012); The disco diva, U.S. Singer-songwriter ( December 31, 1948 – May 17, 2012); The, British singer-songwriter (December 22, 1949 – May 20, 2012);, British film director and producer (June 21, 1944 – August 19, 2012); The moonwalker, U.S. Astronaut (August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012); The 'gracinha', Brazilian television artist (March 8, 1929 – September 29, 2012); The entity of Marxism, British historian (June 9, 1917 – 1 October 2012); The, British music artist (June 9, 1941 – 16 July 2012);, U.S.
Jazz pianist and composer (December 6, 1920 – December 5, 2012); The (almost) immortal, Brazilian architect (December 15, 1907 – December 5, 2012); The Indian influence of Beatles,, Indian musician and composer (April 17, 1920 – December 11, 2012); There is still time for more. Even more along. I hardly believe that many people may commit suicide due to that. No, it's not about the, despite having enjoyed it. It's about life, the real one.
Everything I've planned has become of others. On the side, at the time when I'm not there anymore. It's just strange. Being a beholder of my old dreams which are finally coming true. However, too late for me. Out of complaints, regrets or even sad unpleasant griefs, I can say, proud, loud and clear: so much the better! Before, only possibilities; now, detachment.
Things happens when they should. It's not by chance the way they do. All in good time. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure that everything it would be different. That is to say no changes.
And, in the end, that's not what I've wanted. All told: Away, I'm better.
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