Aug 6, 2016 - ZeXtras Suite is not a Hack, nor a Cracked version of Zimbra. Is not a reverse engineered version of the Zimbra Network Edition modules.
I'm trying to come up with a quick and dirty ROI to compare our Exchange infrastructure with moving to Zimbra so that I can determine if a full business assessment is required. From what I've been reading, I would need Zimbra Collaboration Server, Network Edition, Pro to essentially replace my current Exchange setup (i.e. 15+ users, need for ZCB, Outlook connectivity).
I am looking into the licensing costs for about 30 users. I really didn't want to ask the Zimbra sales team and get sales calls, hence me reaching out to the community.
I have not been able to find any pricing on their site and CDW (Canada) requests that I call. I'm looking for a ballpark figure. Thanks in advance. Steve (Greenview Data) wrote: Mainstrike, For a 30-user account, why not look into a hosted email solution from a Zimbra partner (we're one) that has already done the work for you. We can set you up with hosted Zimbra, 30-day RestorEmail Continuity Archiving, SpamStopsHere antispam and more for as low as $2.50/user/month (less if you pay annually).
No long-term commitment. Steve I didn't realize that you did commercially hosted Zimbra. We used to do that but it has been many years and we've not seen anyone in the community doing it since then.
Good to note as it comes up from time to time and we had no one to point people to. Thanks Scott. NTG has an impressive list of services and certifications. Cadkey torrent download free. We're launching a Premium Partner program designed for MSPs, ISPs, etc. Who want to provide Zimbra hosting and any of our other hosted email services (archiving, antispam, encryption) through us.
We've already signed up a former Zimbra provider. I'll have more details about it on our web site shortly and I'll probably post an announcement. If you want, I can keep you in the loop. It could provide a hosted email / collaboration alternative for your customers.
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