Warm Bodies is a major motion picture set for a theatrical release of February 2013. The movie is based on the book Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. This isn't exactly your typical Zombie story. In Warm Bodies the zombies seem to retain some scrap of their previous humanity. With most of the zombies it is admittedly very little. For R it is just a little bit more. R cannot remember his full name.
Warm Bodies Trailer After a zombie becomes involved with the girlfriend of one of his victims, their romance sets in motion a sequence of events that might transform the entire lifeless world.
The first letter of R is all that he can recall. R has some struggles with being a zombie and tries hard to remember things that happened in his human life. R and his fellow zombie friends live in an abandoned airport, going through the motions of a life long lost. One day while on a hunt he encounters a group of people and he ends up saving the girlfriend of the man whose brains he ate. The girl's name is Julie and R rubs some zombie blood on her in order to keep her safe and effectively hidden from the other zombies. She returns to the airport with R and he hides out with her in an abandoned plane.
Julie quickly catches on to the fact that R is not your typical Zombie. There is definitely more than meets the eye when it comes to R. One day a group of bonies attack Julie. Bonies are zombies who are nothing more than a bare skeleton, and they have not a shred of humanity left. R escapes with Julie so that he can take her back to her home where she can be safe. When they arrive at her compound R doesn't end up just leaving her there.
He ends up staying with her and trying to hide from the humans and then he eventually tries to blend in with them. With each passing day R becomes more human and less zombie. Is he returning back to life and what he once was?
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Rating language release other uploader download 4 Arabic 0 Arabic 0 Arabic 0 Arabic 0 Brazilian Portuguese 0 Bulgarian 1 Chinese -1 Chinese -1 Chinese -1 Chinese -1 Chinese -1 Chinese 0 Danish 1 Dutch 3 English 0 English 0 English 0 English 0 English 0 English 0 English 0 Farsi/Persian 0 Finnish 1 French 1 Greek 1 Hebrew 0 Hungarian 0 Indonesian 0 Indonesian 0 Italian 0 Korean 0 Malay 0 Malay 0 Portuguese 0 Portuguese 0 Romanian 0 Romanian 0 Romanian 1 Serbian 0 Slovenian 3 Spanish 1 Turkish 1 Vietnamese. This movie was great! I brought my friends and they thought it was going to be lame but they ended up loving it just as much as I did! Go see this movie, its adorable! I loved how its dark and gory in a cute way. This movie is funny, suspenseful, a little bit of a horror and romantic; its the perfect date movie!
I don't get scared easily but this movie made me jump a few times. The whole movie i was entertained!
I was very impressed with the way the make-up and hair team were able to make the zombies so realistic! R was very easy to relate with and this movie has a little bit of everything for everyone. I suggest going even if your a bit skeptic about it. Go out and see this movie! I was looking forward to this since the moment I saw the trailer and so got myself out of bed for the 10:05 am showing on opening day.
It looked funny, like 'Shaun of the Dead,' and seemed to have its own interesting take, which is rare in the zombie genre. Usually the plots of zombie films are about as aimless as the zombies. The best way to describe this film is a zombie romantic comedy. It does have some action and some tense moments later on but the initial set up is the zombie, R's, emotional growth and how meeting this girl sparks something in him to evolve. This is nothing like 'Twilight,' and those that are saying that have either not seen it or are too absorbed in the fact that the two leads are good looking, which is the only commonality this film has with 'Twilight.'
But, let's face it, the majority of leads in films are attractive, so, that's not much to base a similarity on. 'Shaun of the Dead' was just a comedy, where this is a comedy with heart and depth. It's a satire, but they don't force feed the point of the film, instead they make it very subtle, which is nice. It wasn't a laugh-out-loud comedy, but I don't know that I necessarily thought it would be when I saw the trailer. It definitely had more emotional depth than I thought it would which gave me a much fonder attachment to the film than if it had simply been made for laughs.
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