Best Answer: The Gutenberg Project has tens of thousands of books available for free download in pdf If, by chance, there is something you can't find there. Then one of my English professors gave me this site, which is basically the same thing and was put together by the University of Pennsylvania: All copyrighted material is illegal to download. Here are some sites that have non-copywrited material for reading: But I would try the Gutenberg Project first. I think their collection is more extensive.
I haven't been able to successfully make a link to anything in the telugu languange, much less detective novels. At first I was looking into mangas but they aren't telugu either and I learned a bit and learned it doesn't SEEM to be online, in any form. So if I were you I would go to the best main branch of a public library (or call them) and ask if they have ebooks of detective stories (or PDF files) that you can download, especially if you have a library card. Luck-- Oh, an author's name: I can follow that more easily and will be right back. • Tell us some more • Upload in progress • Upload failed.
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