Apr 30, 2018 - 1,2,3,4,School of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, Siberian. This brings us to the conclusion that functional asymmetry develops. Rukovodstvo po funktsional'noy mezhpolusharnoy asimmetrii. Poluektov, E.S. (2013) Vliyanie fizicheskikh nagruzok na sostoyanie oporno-dvigatel'nogo apparata. Congress, Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences. These included Lev Kamanin, “S zemli na lunu i obratno” [“From the Earth to the Moon. ERD—Elektricheskiy raketnyy dvigatel; TMK—Tyazhelyy mezhplanetnyy. OTR—Operativno-tekhnicheskoye rukovodstvo; SKDU—Sblizhayushche-.
Similar words: (1.00) (0.67) (0.67) (0.62) (0.62) lead 1> _him. Svinec _Ex: lead ore svincovaya ruda _Ex: lead plate svincovaya plastinka _Ex: lead plating osvincovyvanie _Ex: lead spar, lead vitriol svincovyi kuporos, anglezit _Ex: red lead svincovyi surik _Ex: white lead svincovye belila _Ex: sheet lead listovoi svinec _Ex: as heavy as lead ochen' tyazhelyi 2> gruzilo, otves 3> _mor. Lot _Ex: to cast (to heave) the lead brosat' lot, meryat' glubinu lotom 4> _sl. Pulya, puli; devyat' grammov svinca _Ex: lead poison smert' ot puli _Ex: a hail of lead grad svinca _Ex: to get the lead byt' zastrelennym, pogibnut' ot puli 5> svincovye polosy dlya pokrytiya kryshi 6> pokrytaya svincom krysha; ploskaya krysha _Ex: under the leads na cherdake, pod kryshei 7> grafit; karandashnyi grifel' 8> _poligr. Svinec, gart (tzh. Hard lead) 9> _poligr.
Young maverick WANG and grizzled vet HUANG who is fed up with his reckless younger partner always landing them in hot water. When a spate of eerie murders erupts across HK two troublemaking cops are assigned to the case. Badges of Fury (2013) Subtitles Badges Of Fury, a crime thriller featuring one hell of a martial arts trio with Jet Li (needs no introduction), Collin Chou (The Matrix Reloaded, Flashpoint) and Wu Jing (SPL / Kill Zone) in the lead roles. Reaching a dead end after discovering all the victims were former boyfriends of aspiring starlet LIU, the detectives must play a deadly game. Fury english subtitles subscene.
Shpony 10> _razg. Kotelok, kotel (iz svinca) _Id: to swing the lead _mor. Uvilivat' ot raboty, simuliruya bolezn' i t. _Id: lead balloon _am. Neudacha; proval _Id: the joke was a lead balloon eta ostrota ne doshla (do publiki) _Id: to have lead in one's pants _am. Dvigat'sya kak cherepaha; rabotat' lenivo; byt' tugodumom _Id: get the lead out of your pants! Shevelis'!, poshevelivaisya!, potoraplivaisya! Futbolist santjyago munez.
Osvincovyvat', pokryvat' svincom 12> _poligr. Razdelyat' shponami, prokladyvat' shpony; nabirat' na shpony 13> rukovodstvo, iniciativa _Ex: to take the lead brat' na sebya rukovodstvo, proyavlyat' iniciativu 14> primer _Ex: to follow the lead of smb. Sledovat' ch'emu-l. Primeru _Ex: to give smb.
A lead in smth. Pokazat' komu-l.
Primer v chem-l.; uvlech' kogo-l. Svoim primerom 15> ukazanie, direktiva 16> klyuch (k resheniyu chego-l); namek 17> razvernutyi podzagolovok, annotaciya (pered stat'ei) 18> vvodnaya chast' 19> pervoe predlozhenie ili pervyi abzac informacionnoi stat'i 20> gazetnaya informaciya, pomeshennaya na vidnoe mesto 21> pervenstvo, pervoe mesto _Ex: in the lead vo glave (processii i t.
P.) _Ex: to have (to gain) the lead in a race zanyat' pervoe mesto v sostyazanii 22> preim _sport. Preimushestvo, pereves _Ex: to have a lead of several metres operedit' na neskol'ko metrov _Ex: to have an enormous lead in conventional weapons imet' ogromnyi pereves v obychnyh vidah oruzhiya 23> povodok; privyaz' _Ex: the dog was on the lead sobaka shla na povodke 24> _teatr. Glavnaya rol' 25> _teatr. Ispolnitel' ili ispolnitel'nica glavnoi roli 26> _kart. Hod; pervyi hod _Ex: whose lead is it? _Ex: it is your lead vash hod; vam nachinat' 27> _kart. Karta, mast' (s kotoroi nachinayut) _Ex: to return one's partner's hodit' v mast'; podderzhivat' ch'yu-libo iniciativu 28> _razg.
Dorozhka, tropinka _Ex: blind lead tupik 29> iskusstvennoe ruslo (vedushee k mel'nice) 30> razvod'e (vo l'dah); prohod (sredi dreifuyushih l'dov) 31> _el. Podvodyashii provod 32> oshinovka, elektroprovodka 33> truboprovod; kanal 34> _teh. Shag ili hod (vinta ili chervyaka) 35> _teh. Otvodnoi blok 36> _sport. Udar _Ex: lead for the body udar v tulovishe (boks) 37> _teh. Centriruyushaya faska 38> _teh. Operezhenie, predvarenie (vpuska para i t.
P.) 39> _voen. Uchrezhdenie, privedenie ognya (po dvizhusheisya celi) _Ex: lead element _voen. Golovnoe podrazdelenie 40> _geol. Zhila, zhil'noe mestorozhdenie 41> _geol. Zolotonosnyi pesok 42> _teh. Strela; ukosina 43> vesti; pokazyvat' put' _Ex: to lead by the hand vesti za ruku _Ex: to lead a blind man vesti slepogo cheloveka _Ex: to lead a horse vesti loshad' v povodu _Ex: to lead the way pokazyvat' put'; vesti za soboi; sdelat' pervyi shag; proyavit' iniciativu _Ex: to lead for landing _av.
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