Music and the Spoken Word • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ABOUT US On the air for over eighty-nine years and 4,595 weekly broadcasts, Music & the Spoken Word is the longest-running uninterrupted network broadcast in the world. Its audience continues to grow as more people tune to its half hour of uplifting music and inspiring prose. Music & the Spoken Word programs are available Free of Charge to all media platforms.
Polozhenie o logopunkte v kazahstane. 'There are things that Music &the Spoken Word is, and there are things that it is not. For instance, it is not a worship service. The program has always been designed to be a non-denominational program, and to be enjoyed by people of many walks of faith.
4 by the employer and only 30% by the employee.3 Therefore, the effects of automatic enrolment in boosting pension saving could be diminished, or potentially enhanced, by the behaviour of employers in response to the policy. Interior Min. Deri and Public Security Min. Erdan announce they will refuse entry to a delegation of European officials over their support of BDS and of convicted terrorist Marwan Barghouti.
Also, it is not a concert. It is, in fact, as the title implies, a program of inspirational music and spoken word.' -- Mack Wilberg, Choir Director -- Featuring modern and traditional arrangements of spiritual, patriotic, popular, classical and contemporary music coupled with timely, inspiring prose, Music & the Spoken Word becomes an uplifting, rejuvenating destination that listeners and viewers return to every week. © Bonneville Distribution - All rights reserved 5 Triad Center, Suite 300 ~ Salt Lake City, Utah 84180 Phone: 801.237.2600 ~ Fax: 888.517.8808 Website design.
Lityeratura o zhizni i dyeyatyel'nosti akadyemika RAN V.V.Boldyryeva + LITERATURE ON HIS LIFE AND WORK • Galdayev V. YUnyi khimik / V.Galdayev // Bor'ba za ugol' (Anzhyero-Sudzhyensk, Kyemyerovskaya obl.). • Kudryavtsyeva V.
Nauchnaya rabota studyentov / V.Kudryavtsyeva // Izvyestiya. O studyentye 3-go kursa khimichyeskogo fakul'tyeta V.Boldyryevye - odnom iz organizatorov nauchno-isslyedovatyel'skoi raboty v Tomskom univyersityetye. • Kryepit' svyaz' nauki s proizvodstvom // Za covyetskuyu nauku: Organ partiinogo byuro, ryektorata, komityeta VLKSM i profkoma Tomskogo gosudarstvyennogo univyersityeta imyeni V.V. Upominayetsya ob initsiativye assistyenta V.V.Boldyryeva po vnyedryeniyu novykh razrabotok v proizvodstvo. Vsyesoyuznaya pryemiya - tomskomu uchyenomu / A.Gorban' // Krasnoye Znamya (Tomsk). O prisuzhdyenii pyervoi pryemii i diploma Vsyesoyuznogo khimichyeskogo obscyestva imyeni D.I. Myendyelyeyeva V.V.Boldyryevu za rabotu'Myetody izuchyeniya kinyetiki tyermichyeskogo razlozhyeniya tvyerdykh vyescyestv'.
KHimiya tvyerdogo tyela / YU.Popov, YU.Pukhnachyev // Znaniye - sila. • Ibragimova Z. KHimiya byez kolb / Z.Ibragimova // Sovyetskaya Sibir' (Novosibirsk).
Myezhinstitutskii syeminar po myekhanokhimii / G.Gusyev // Za nauku v Sibiri. V.V.Boldyryev - pryedsyedatyel' organizovannogo im myezhinstitutskogo syeminara po myekhanokhimii.
• Ibragimova Z. Byez kolb i probirok / Z.Ibragimova // Nyedyelya. O laboratorii kinyetiki khimichyeskikh ryeaktsii v tvyerdoi fazye Instituta khimichyeskoi kinyetiki i goryeniya SO AN SSSR i yeye zavyeduyuscyem - d.kh.n. • / Z.Ibragimova // KHimiya i zhizn'. Ob isslyedovaniyakh pod rukovodstvom V.V.Boldyryeva v oblasti novykh fotografichyeskikh protsyessov. • Scientific social // Bristol Evening Post. O Myezhdunarodnom simpoziumye po ryeaktsionnoi sposobnosti tvyerdykh tyel.
Upominayetsya o rossiiskom uchastnikye simpoziuma - V.V.Boldyryevye. • Ibragimova Z. Magiya kristalla: [O profyessorye Vladimirye Vyachyeslavovichye Boldyryevye] / Z.Ibragimova // ZHryetsy byeloi ptitsy Styerkh. - Novosibirsk, 1973.
• Senegacnik M. / M.Senegacnik // Rudarsko-Metallurski Zbornik.
- Ljubljana, 1973. Na kn.: Festkorperchemie / Boldyrev V., Meyer K. - Leipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1973. // Chemie und Industrie. - Sofia, 1973.
Na kn.: Festkorperchemie / Boldyrev V., Meyer K. - Leipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag f'r Grundstoffindustrie, 1973.
• Avvakumov YE.G. Myekhanokhimiya s raznykh tochyek zryeniya / YE.G.Avvakumov // Za nauku v Sibiri. Upominayetsya o tochkye zryeniya V.V.Boldyryeva na myekhanizm myekhanokhimichyeskikh protsyessov. • Giovanoli R. / R.Giovanoli // Chimia (Schweis). - Jg.28, N 6. Na kn.: Festkorperchemie / Boldyrev V., Meyer K.
- Leipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1973. • Schlosser E.-G. / E.-G.Schlosser // Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik. Na kn.: Festkorperchemie / Boldyrev V., Meyer K. - Leipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1973. • Tietz H.-D. / H.-D.Tietz // Feingeratetechnik.
- Jg.23, Heft 11. Na kn.: Festkorperchemie / Boldyrev V., Meyer K. - Leipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 1973. Ullman // Kernenergie. - Berlin, 1974. - Jg.17, Heft 11. Na kn.: Festkorperchemie / Boldyrev V., Meyer K.
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