I just picked up a new Macbook Pro and have been installing all my NI Instruments. I have Akoustic Piano on my other machine installed and have copied the files over to the laptop.
How do I install this library into Kontact? I've added the library yet it doesn't show up in Native Access or in Kontact player. I added the Akoustic Piano library to the users/shared/ location where all the other NI instruments are yet I can't get it to load in. I need help getting it to load into Kontakt. One thing I noticed was that the original location on my other computer was not in the users/shared location - it was in users/library/application support. I'm assuming this new location for NI files was changed years after since Akoustic piano was a very old instrument.
Please let me know how to install it. Michi @ NI 24 de agosto de 2018 09:27 Hi in order to make Elektrik Piano (or Akoustik Piano) work please carry out the following steps: 1) Download the 'Elektrik Piano 1.5.nicnt' (or 'Akoustik Piano.nicnt') file () and copy it to the Elektrik Piano 1.5 (or Akoustik Piano) library folder. 2) Downgrade Kontakt to 5.6.6: Kontakt 5 Full version: Kontakt 5 Player version: (Log-In to your Account is needed in order to download the downgrade of Kontakt) 3) Open Kontakt 5.6.6 in Standalone Mode and add Elektrik Piano 1.5 (or Akoustik Piano) via the ADD LIBRARY button: 4) Close Kontakt 5.6.6 and open NATIVE ACCESS. 5) Now Elektrik Piano 1.5 (or Akoustik Piano) should be activated and listed under INSTALLED PRODUCTS. 6) Afterwards, check the 'Available Updates' section.
Drew Krag takes us through one of his favorite software synthesizers, the Elektrik Piano VST from Native Instruments. Drew takes us through some of his favorite sounds from Elektrik Piano VST.
Where you can install the latest available Kontakt 5 update. 7) Open Kontakt 5 in order to test Elektrik Piano 1.5 (or Akoustik Piano). Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Elektrik Piano is a very cool software synth that will definitely satisfy those of you looking for realistic electric piano sounds. Field genius keygen. Elektrik Piano is a beautiful and simple soft-synth that offers four different classic electric pianos, the Fender Rhodes MK I and MK II, Hohner Clavinet E7 and Wurlitzer A 200. Elektrik Piano is available for Mac and Windows/PC supporting all major plug-in formats (VST, Audio Units, RTAS, DXi, ASIO, Core Audio, DirectSound). Elektrik Piano is based on 's sampling engine which offers high quality 32 bit processing and support for up to 96kHz sample rates. Every single note of each of these classic e-pianos was meticulously sampled for a more true-to-life sound than software emulation can provide.
The folks at NI made sure to do the best job recording and programming these samples to provide you with the best sounding (and still versatile) e-piano. These full-length samples were captured at various velocities and also have special release samples for that authentic vintage feel. All of Elektrik Piano's samples can also be loaded into Kontakt for further tweaking. NI's Direct From Disk streaming function is also supported to take the strain off your computer's RAM while still maintaining ultra-low latency.

Using Elektrik Piano simply couldn't be easier. There are over a dozen patches for each of the four pianos just a mouse-click away. With a simple and intuitive interface, there are just seven knobs for tweaking.
Master tuning, pan and volume are on the right. The four knobs on the left control various parameters depending on which patch is selected. Typically they offer tone controls, tremolo, chorus, delay, reverb, phaser, saturation, and other simple effects. The settings of these knobs can be saved as 'Performances' for quick recall. A few sparse displays indicate MIDI channel, number of voices in use to voices available, RAM and CPU usage and a cool analog-like level meter. Simply the easiest, smartest and most affordable way to get all these vintage electric pianos under your fingertips! Related Forum Topics.
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