50TH INTERNATIONAL FAIR OF TOURISM Backbone of the 50th International Fair of Tourism will be the Danube Region, characterised by a wide spectrum of complex and versatile historical heritages, cultures, religions, markets, communities and countries, all of which served as motivation to select this very Region to become a geographical but also contextual frame for development of the LORIST fairs group. As of this year, Fair of Receptive Tourism that focuses on a tourist for whom offers are created based on contemporary motives, expectations and experiences will be conceptually redefined. Privacy Policy This policy covers how we use your personal information you submit during the payment procedure. Any payment-related information received will only be used to fill your order. We will not sell or redistribute it to anyone.
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Mar 29, 2013 Freed sex offender accused of rape days later. The victim told Seattle police that she was walking in the 11700 block of Aurora Avenue North around 6 p.m. When Lewis pulled up to her in a black van and asked if she wanted a ride, charging documents allege.
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