Vince rates this game: 5/5 What Crystal was to Gold and Silver, Emerald is to Ruby and Sapphire. However, unlike Crystal, Emerald makes some significant alterations to R/S. Unlike in R/S where one of the Team ____ was helping you and the other was your enemy, in Emerald both of them are your enemy. This leads to some new areas like a volcanic hideout for Team Magma. Replacing the Battle Tower from R/S is the Battle Frontier, a large complex in which one can participate in a variety of battle challenges (including, of course, the Battle Tower).
Unless you have a huge attachment to R/S, Emerald will give you the best Hoenn experience. Game Release Info (NFO): _________________________ ___________ / / / / / +----------/,_______________________./ . ,___________ .. / +.. +--------/ ------- /.,. _/ ,_'_/:. /. ,_____ .-------, / +-----/ )____:-----+'------/ ) ' ) '--- / ___ _______ / )--, l / ) ' ' /l ___/ )____ / ___/ `_____' ___ /_______/ +-----+-----+____/__ __ + + /' - ) ( / / /( /( ) ) +---------- )/ /( ( ) / ( ) ) / / ) / ( --- + _) 2 0 0 5 (_ + _________/ / ______________ /. / __ p R E S E N T S __:` ( / )/;: /(__________( __ ___ ____ __ )__________) ) / ( / Pokemon Emerald _____/( ________________________________________________ (C) Nintendo )_________________). USA.ORiGiN[-]SUPPLiER.: WeaponX. GBA.SYSTEM[-]FiLE.SiZE.: 128MBiTs: 3o.o4.o5.STREET.DATE[-]FiLE.NAME.: trm-pmeu.zip:; o1.o5.o5.RELEASE.DATE[-]LANGUAGE.: English. ________________________________________________________________) _____ )/ g A M E.
I N F O / ). __________________________________________________ /)/ ' )/ )/:: [uRL]::: Collecting, trading and battling is what traditional.
Pokemon games are all about. This game offers kids. Teens an opportunity to hone their skills and prove their abilities. Pokemon Emerald is an extension of. Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire and shares the ultimate goal of stopping the expansion of either the Team Magma or Team Aqua realm.
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Players must keep balance in the. World of Hoenn, where Team Magma or Team Aqua are trying to use Groudon (ground) or Kyogre (water) to try and take over. Rayquaza (sky) will help maintain this balance. Trainers will need to use their best battling. Strategies ever, because this game offers the most. Challenging Battle fields presented in a Pokemon game. Pokemon Emerald is the first Hoenn Pokemon adventure to allow players to trade and battle wirelessly..
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