SoundtrackINFO: Death Race Soundtrack Death Race (2008) Product detail Format: CD UPC: 2 Label: Intrada Label number: MAF 7104 Running time: not on file Shipping date: August 19th, 2008 Original score by Product availability Click CD for more info from The MovieMusic Store. Album Tracklist 1. A Hard Sport for a Hard Age [1:48] 2.
Layarkaca21 – LK21 – Dunia21 adalah sebuah website hiburan yang menyajikan streaming film atau download movie gratis. Subtitle Indonesa. Perlu diketahui, film-film yang terdapat pada web ini didapatkan dari web pencarian di internet. SINOPSI DEATH RACE 2 Bercerita tentang asal usul tokoh Frankenstein pada film Death Race 1. Penjara-penjara di Amerika tidak lagi dikelola oleh pemerintah tetapi dikelola oleh pihak swasta.
Grim the Reaper [1:39] 3. Death Race Main Titles [3:01] 4. Riot [1:12] 5. Prison Arrival [2:28] Soundtrack Q & A Q: What's the song playing in new Red Band trailer in the beginning, before the Guns N' Roses song 'Welcome To The Jungle'? ( from James Lee Fort in Belarus, Borisov) A: If you mean the song when the girls appear, it is The Prodigy's 'Hot Ride' ( thanks to Vinnie THE PUUH, Germany) A: No this one! Listen to it.The song or melody playing in NEW Red Band trailer in the beginning. What's the name of that song or melody?

( thanks to James Lee Fort, Belarus, Borisov) A: Sounds a bit like 'New Noise' from Refused ( thanks to Vinnie THE PUUH, Germany) A: Yeah that's definitely 'New Noise' by Refused. ( thanks to WhiteRabbitDisco, London) Q: I am trying to find out what the songs were that played in the movie. I have found the soundtrack but it says nothing about the other songs. Download software ps2pfsexplorer. The theatre lost power during the credits due to a car wreck outside so I was unable to find the music there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.otherwise I will just go see the movie again which is not a bad thing. ( from Guardian63 in Houston, Texas) A: Do it!
Then come back here and tell us what you find. ( thanks to DOOOOM) Q: What's the song playing when Frankenstein, the head of the prison, walks into the field and goes for his eating? ( from tommy in US,chicago) A: Slim Thug - Click Clack ( thanks to dj-005, quebec) Q: What is the track that featured Slim Thug? ( from Tony in Houston, TX ) A: Click Clack ^_^ ( thanks to Dishauna, Jacksonville, Fl) Q: What's the song playing when the girls get off the bus? I check out 'Hot Ride' and it doesn't sound like a match. ( from Veronica in Austin, Tx) A: It is The Prodigy and Juliette Lewis 'Hot Ride' ( thanks to Vinnie THE PUUH, Germany) A: The song is 'Grown Woman' by Mary J.
Blige and Ludacris. ( thanks to Laura, Vienna.WV) A: It's 'Hot Ride' in the trailer. Completely different song in the movie. ( thanks to Zack, WV) A: 'Grown Woman' ( thanks to justawesome, india) Q: What's that rap song playing in the commercial and who is it by? From TrAgEdY in Modesto,CA,United States () Q: How many hiphop/gangsta tracks are used as in the movie? ( from Chris in Quezon City,Philippines) A: One. It's 'Click Clack' by Slim Thug.
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