Help us to help you.This is the minimum information that must be provided for an assessment, identification, and monetary evaluation: 1. Good photos of the entire horn, back and front.
A thorough listing of any and all markings, serial numbers, make/model names etc. Stamped or engraved on the instrument. Any anecdotal history of the instrument in question that might be available (Such as 'my grandfather bought it in NY, NY in 1940 I'm told' etc.) Condition and other details that require good photos AT A MINIMUM to accurately assess are paramount regarding a horn's value.
The fasting method developed by Dr. Voroshilov suggests treating food pauses (starvation) as an element of personal hygiene. In fact, what prevents us (from time to time) to transform our excess weight into health and longevity? Golodanie po voroshilovu metodika 1.
Buffet Crampon. Buffet Harmony Saxophone. Many of the documents which contained accurate information regarding serial numbers have been lost and as a.
Without that information, an accurate monetary evaluation is impossible. This is a student level sax, likely made by the Italian firm of A. Santoni for Evette in the 1960's or early 1970's. As a 'Stencil' horn (i.e. An instrument made by one manufacturer for another maker/retailer to brand with their own name and model), catalogs of serial number vs.
Date of manufacture listings are not published and thus the only ay to date it is to ID the features of the instrument as I have done. Older Italian saxophones are in general the 'Rodney Dangerfield' of the sax world, in that the get no respect. Most are not held in high regard, and thus do not fetch much in the marketplace. Current production, high level, hand built professional Rampone & Cazzani and Borgani horns being very much the exception.
The above, coupled with the fact that it is a student level horn, means that your example is worth a coupe of hundred dollars +/.
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